(Ro and lada on music and various other nonsense.)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

instant replay, please

Concert etiquette

Most know the basics. Here's a reminder for the rest of ya:

Be kind to your neighbors.
total nudity is generally frowned upon.
Don't scream/thrash/whistle continuously,
bump those in front of you with your cellphone camera,
burn your neighbor's hair with your lighter
whine that you can't see - even if you're short, brought your children, or feel entitled that folks in front of you should split open like the red sea.

really. It happened. A whiner complained and moaned b/c she couldn't see. She tapped, protested, and finally enlisted the support of an usher, who was kind enough to bump those (me!) "in her way" to the front row. I am 5'2 on my tallest day. Still cant figure out how she couldn't see, nor could i figure out how the hell i ended up getting bumped so close to the stage that i could see beads of sweat forming on Thom's forehead at Fri's Radiohead show in Charlotte. Either way, i was reminded of the most valuable lesson. Be nicest to the ushers.

Just ask Lada who wiggled 4 friends into the front row, with one quick hairtoss, two batted eyes, and a modified bend and snap move (yes, the move from legally blonde - Lada is blonde now, for the record).

Aside from the seating debacle, i learned that Radiohead should no longer be considered mortals. 24 songs seemed like 2, and it earned my current top spot for the show i need to see on repeat, please. Thom was making love to the mike, and busting moves that made James Brown look static.


Me said...

Lolla in August, baby.

Saint said...

And when my descendants ask, "Grandpa, have you ever heard of a group called Radiohead?" I will say, "Why yes, young ones, I stood not 100 feet from Thom Yorke after narrowly escaping the police."

sxsw countdown