(Ro and lada on music and various other nonsense.)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Can I Get an Autograph for my Friend?

Went to see Eisley the other night in Chapel Hill. They are a good family band (never thought I would ever say that sentence out loud) from Texas. I really wanted to hear "Marsh King's Daughter" or "Trolly Wood" but it didn't happen. It was at a smaller venue though, so I hung out with the band after the show for a bit and chatted and they seemed like good people.

Opening band was The Myriad. They were decent, but oddly didn't play long enough to really judge. They did mention the movie Labyrinth which earned them big points from me...

Side note: Sufjan Stevens is on repeat on my iPod. Damn I love that boy. If he is gay, I don't want to know...

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